Friday, April 17, 2009

Albertson's Good Deal Friday

For my 1st purchase, I bought $21.00 dollars of Cottonelle TP and Viva Paper Towels. When you spent $20, you received a $5.00 catalina to use on your next purchase. These things cost me $22.41 with tax and I did get my catalina.

So for my next purchase I bought $30.00 worth of products that qualified me for an instant savings of $6.00 off the purchase of these items! (6 Life cereal, 6 Granola Bars, 1 pancake mix, 1 syrup, and 1 Sun Chip) I have been collecting coupons for Life and Granola Bars So with the money off and my coupons I spent $30.00 got $6 off and then $5.75 off in coupons = $18.75

Then I got 3 milk for $5.00 and 3 boxes of Jello for $3.00 and had a $1.00 off coupon = $7.00

I noticed that the Huggies Little Swimmers were on sale for $7.49. Then I had 2 coupons for $3.00 off So I got 2 packs for $8.98

Lastly, I bought 2 bags of frozen chicken that was on sale for $1.79 a pound ($7.16 a bag) = $14.32

DON'T FORGET I HAD A $5.00 off catalina from my 1st purchase!!

So, Today I got all of this for $83.31. I saved $85.96 with my preferred savings and coupons!

Hygiene Deals At Albertson's

I Purchased 16 small boxes of Kotex Panyliners for $1.00 each. Then I used my 8 coupons from The coupons got me 8 boxes for free and the other 8 boxes cost me $2.00. I also noticed when I was there the other day that they had HUGGIES lotion on clearance. So I came home printed my 2 coupons (from and had my hubby print 2 coupons and went back for Huggies Baby products. In one of the clearance slots there was Baby WASH so I grabbed 3 wash and 1 lotion. When it rang up, it was full price. So I had the lady check and so she gave me the wash for the clearance deal, but the $1.74 clearance was just on the lotion. So with my coupons, I got each Huggies bath product for .74 cents. So, for this trip I spent $8.89 (which does include tax and a bag of Cheetos for Kamdon). I saved $30.24 with preferred savings and my coupons!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Awesome Deal on Salad Dressing

So I read online about how Walmart had a Roll Back on Kraft Salad Dressing making them $1.58 which is a good deal since I have been paying as much as $2.99 at Harmons lately for this divine recipe I got from Shelley's blog here! Then come to find out there is a manufacture coupon from Kraft for $1.50 off a bottle making them .08 cents a bottle! AWESOME DEAL! So how do I get in on this good deal ... ummm! I start thinking and go to ebay. I bid on 20 Kraft coupons for $1.50 off. I win!!! I ended up paying $5.50 for the coupons and postage and $1.60 (plus tax) for 20 bottles of dressing! (I bought the gum with a buy one get one free coupon so it was also a good deal). So I paid .36 cents (plus tax)
a bottle for dressing that I have been buying for nearly $3.00. WOW, who knew couponing was so worth it!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cheap, Cheap

So I swung by Walgreens today to see what I could get for Cheap from them this week!
Total I spent $21.69 with tax and then submitted for a $5.00 rebate So today I got all of this for $16.69 and when I looked at my receipt, the lady forgot one of my $2.00 coupons and I forgot to use a $1.50 coupon ... So if there had been NO mistakes, my total would have been $13.19 (Oh, well, I am still learning!!)
Razors = $13.98 - $4.00 walgreen coupons - 7.99 in manufacture coupons equals $.98 for each package -- thats a good deal
Hershey's Chocolate = 4 bags for $10.00 - $5.00 rebate = $5.00 for 4 (this is the coupon I forgot to use ... should have been $3.50 for 4 bags)
Colgate toothpaste= $3.49 - 1.00 manufacture coupon = $2.49 and I got a $3.50 RR so FREE plus $1.00 they gave me
Visine eye drops 7.98 for 2 - 2.00 mfc (should have been 4.00 mfc .. the lady forgot to use one) and I got $3.00 in RR so I got 2 eye drops for $2.98 (minus the 2.00 coupon the lady forgot it would have been 98 cents for 2)
2 Reach Floss = 5.00 minus the $2.50 in RR ($1.25 each) (My other mistake ... REMEMBER you have to do these in 2 different transactions if you want the $2.50 to print twice ... I had to return one set of them and rebuy them for the RR to print ... pain in the butt, but worth it for cheap floss)
2 Reach Toothbrushes = $5.00 minus the $2.50 in RR ($1.25 each)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gotta Love Albertson's

Friday I made a quick stop into albertson's! Oh, what a deal!
1st transaction: 5 boxes post cereal = $8.60 with tax and then I recieved a $5.00 catalina
2nd transaction: 5 boxes post cereal =$3.60 with tax (used the $5.00 from above and got another)
3rd transaction: 24 cans Pork n Beans, 2 bags (4 lbs) sugar, and 1 bag of cheetos = $14.51 (used my $5.00 from transaction 2)
GRAND TOTAL = $26.71
Would have cost me $87.00 without sales, coupons, and perferred savings!!