Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What a Deal

I am not the greatest at clipping coupons or finding great deals, but today I feel like I got a great deal. I have been watching Michelle 's coupon journey (hoping to be better) and followed her lead on over to Albertson's!
I got 5 boxes granola bars, 15 boxes fruit rollups and gushers, 10 boxes of cereal, 4 grand biscuits, 2 crescent rolls, 12 boxes muffins, 2 brownie mixes, 3 boxes butter, 2 boxes caprisuns, 4 loafs of bread, 4 boxes of pasta, and some other mish mash items we needed all for $108.43. My normal total should have been $260.84, but with my coupons and the preferred savings with my Albertson's card I saved $151.92! Wow!! I am stocked up until the next good sale!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I was just stalking your blog off of your mom's and noticed this! How cool are you, I got my first link on someone else's blog! I am so honored! Good job on the deals!
